But "Pretty Wicked" -- Oxygen's first stab at reality -- has an ace up its cat scratched sleeve: Mia Tyler. Where other series fill their judging panel with pretty faces who haven't walked the walk, Mia knows exactly where these girls are coming from -- just read her shockingly honest autobiography, "Creating Myself," if you don't believe.
Mia -- a self confessed reality TV junkie -- jumped at the chance to clue these wicked women in on exactly where their lives were headed if they didn't undergo a major soul overhaul.
PopWrap: What made you want to judge a reality competition?
Mia Tyler: Well, I already do a lot of work like this on my MySpace and I figured this would reach a lot more people. This is one of those shows that isn't typical reality -- we're not just tossing a bunch of girls into a house to see them fight. This has a heart, a story and a message.
PW: What were your expectations coming in?
Mia: I had very few. They just said, go in and be yourself. But I thought I'd hate these girls. That they'd all be spoiled brats, but the funny thing is you get attached to them. This was probably one of the most humbling experiences because you watch them transform and the hardest part becomes kicking them out because it's like breaking up. And I am really not good at that.
PW: Unlike a lot of other shows, the judges actually see footage from inside the house on "Pretty Wicked." How much time did you spend going over tape?
Mia: A lot. The producers picked out the stuff we needed to see -- and it wasn't all bad -- but I think the girls were worried about that. But us knowing everything is what made the experience work. We'd have like 15 hour days -- watching footage, preparing and then taping. It gave me a newfound respect for reality TV.
PW: Are you a fan of the genre?
Mia: Oh, I'm a reality TV junkie.
PW: Which way do you lean, towards shows like "Amazing Race" or "Rock of Love?"
Mia: I watch "Idol," I love the "Amazing Race" -- I want to be on that so badly -- and I love Bret Michaels' show. I don't watch "The Bachelor." I tried to get into it, but I'm a rocker chick so I can't watch typical LA girls vying for the love of some rich guy. I need skanky strippers!
PW: I know, it's one of those things where I almost sheepishly admit my love of it, like, "Yes, I watch 'Tool Academy.'"
Mia: Oh, I loved "Tool Academy!" That was my secret show with my BFF Courtney. We wouldn't tell anyone we watched it. Then we totally fell for one of the guys.
PW: Which one?
Mia: Shawn -- oh god, he's so hot. I loved him. So it was like out little thing, we'd talk about it in corners because we didn't want anyone to know we watched "Tool Academy."
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